216 Red Can Dr. Colchester, VT : 802.655.4312
Monday-Friday 7am - 4pm
From I-89, headed north: Take Exit 16. Turn right at the end of the exit lane onto Roosevelt Highway. In approximately half a mile (4 stop lights INCLUDING the one at the exit ramp), turn left onto Rathe Road; continue approximately 200 yards; take the second right onto Rathe Rd; continue approximately 100 yards more and turn left onto Red Can Drive. Recycle Center is the first building on the left and the main office is the second building on the left.
We seek and utilize emerging technologies to efficiently and
safely recover all raw material value from the construction
and demolition waste stream, knowing that the recycled
byproducts we produce will be reused to create renewable
energy or to build new roads, homes, schools or businesses
in our communities. What would have been buried in the
landfill yesterday, will now be used to build our children's
future, create new jobs, and lessen our country's dependence
on foreign oil.

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